Do you have multiple WAS profile on the same host? Let’s see how to handle this configuration with uDeploy.
Go to Resources -> Agents -> [Click your WAS multi profiles host agent] -> Configuration -> Agent Properties.
Add the Property Name: websphere.profilePath and fill the value with the path of WebSphere Application Server profiles.
Eg. /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles
Go to Resources -> Resource Tree and create a Top-Level Group.
Click beside the Top-Level Group: Actions -> Add Agent
Click Refresh link below.
Your Deployment Manager Profiles will appear.
For each WebSphereCell Dmgr click Configuration -> Basic Settings. Add missing values like, Cell Name, WebSphere User and Password, SOAP Port.
Go back to Resource Tree, click Actions beside each Dmgr profiles and click: Configure Using WebSphere Topology Discovery.
Your Cell topology will appear in a few seconds.