UrbanCode Deploy Post Processing Script

Post-processing scripts run after a component/generic process step finishes.

Typically, post-processing scripts check if expected results occur. It can examine the step’s output log and run commands based on the result.

Steps can have default post-processing scripts. These scripts are included with the plug-in.

You can override the default post-processing script for a step or provide a post-processing script for a step that does not have one.

Steps in component processes and generic processes can have post-processing scripts, but steps in application processes cannot.

Post-processing scripts are written in JavaScript.

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Massive copy of UrbanCode Deploy Plugins

Sometimes you might need to move your UrbanCode Deploy Source Configuration and Automation Plugins from one server to another one1.

Plugins are stored, as zip files, in:


Copy all plugin files you need, from the above directory of the first server, to below directory of the second server:


Restart the target server.

Log file will display loading of Plugins as in the excerpt below:

2020-05-02 15:56:23,754 UTC INFO PluginUpdate com.urbancode.ds.plugin.PluginUpdate - Loading com.urbancode.air.plugin.ServiceNow_28.zip…
2020-05-02 15:56:24,920 UTC INFO PluginUpdate com.urbancode.ds.plugin.PluginUpdate - Loading com.urbancode.air.plugin.DBUpgrader_3.zip…
2020-05-02 15:56:25,385 UTC INFO PluginUpdate com.urbancode.ds.plugin.PluginUpdate - Loading com.urbancode.plugin.WindowsSystemTools_23.zip.
  1. https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/how-do-i-mass-install-urbancode-deploy-plugins-new-server []