UrbanCode Deploy – License Server Installation

To use IBM UrbanCode Deploy 6.x.x or 7.x.x, you need to install a Rational Common Licensing environment, import acquired licenses, and apply those licenses to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy servers and agents.

For enterprise environments configure IBM Rational License Key Server in a fault-tolerant configuration (redundant servers). Redundant servers are a system of three servers that work as a team to manage a single pool of floating license keys.

If one of the servers goes down, the other two license servers automatically continue managing the license pool. This type of redundant configuration requires that a minimum of two license servers are running at all times. If any two license servers no longer work, the third license server does not serve licenses. Two servers must be operating to serve licenses to clients.

Remember: You must have the license key file for redundant UNIX servers. Go to the Rational License Key Center and request a license for redundant servers. License Key Center will ask you for the primary, secondary and backup servers. Be sure to specify the redundant servers in the correct order:

Hostname1 is the primary server
Hostname2 is the secondary server
Hostname3 is the backup server

Install IBM Rational License key server on all three license systems:

All servers use the same port of 27000 to listen for communication.

Start the primary license server before the secondary or tertiary. This sets the primary license server to become the master before the others start.

Extract the installation files for Rational License Key Server. The installation files include Installation Manager.



The IBM Rational License Key Server window opens.

Click IBM Rational License Key Server version to open the Installation Manager interface. Installation Manager is not yet installed. Select both Installation Manager and IBM Rational License Key Server and click Next.

For both the Shared Resources directory and Installation Manager directory locations, either accept the default value or enter a different directory location. Click Next. (You cannot change the location of the Shared Resources directory after Installation Manager is installed).

Accept the default installation directory for the license server or enter a different installation directory. The default installation directory is


Enter the absolute path to the license file and the port number for the license server and click Next.

Click Install.

When the installation is complete, select start IBM Rational License Key Server.


Start License Server

/opt/IBM/RationalRLKS/config# ./start_lmgrd start

Stop License Server

/opt/ibm-rlks/IBM/RationalRLKS/config# ./start_lmgrd stop_this_instance

Show which server is the master.

/opt/ibm-rlks/IBM/RationalRLKS/bin/# lmstat

Shutdown all three license servers in a single command:

/opt/ibm-rlks/IBM/RationalRLKS/bin/# lmdown

IBM Rational Common Licensing uses Flexera Software License Manager:

We have a vendor daemon called ibmratl who gives IBM Rational licenses.

A daemon called lmgrd who doesn’t processes request but sends to vendor daemon.

Check if the license manager is up and running with:

# ps axw | grep -v grep | egrep "lmgrd|ibmratl"
# ps -e | grep -v grep | egrep "lmgrd|bmratl"

Check license status:

/opt/IBM/RationalRLKS/bin# ./lmutil lmstat -a -c 27000@server

How to configure license server on UrbanCode Deploy:

From UrbanCode WEB UI go to: Settings -> System Settings -> Licensing
Into RCL Server Path insert three server:


Have a nice day!

Operations Engineer working with Cloud Infrastructure, Containers, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines, CDRA processes, GitOps.