WebSphere Topology Discovery

The first thing to know about WebSphere and UrbanCode Deploy integration is the WebSphere Topology Discovery feature.  If you have a big IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) environment, full of Cluster,  Server and Application, UrbanCode Deploy (uDeploy) can really help you saving you time and makes access to many informations easier .

It makes it easier to set certain properties, such as cell name, node name, cluster name, server name and so on, by allowing you to import them into uDeploy.

What we need is a uDeploy Server running installation,  a uDeploy Agent running on the WAS Deployment Manager server and a plug-in called WebSphere Application Server – Deployment

Go to Resources -> Agents and click  the “Agent Name” (localhost in my case: ) then click Configuration -> Agent Properties (see images below)

Then create a new Agent Property called: wsadmin.path and set the value of the wsadmin.sh path of the WAS installation:

Go back to Resources -> Resource Tree, and create a Top-level group:

Go to Actions -> Add Agent and add the WAS DM Agent

Then click Refresh.

The WebSphere Cell will appear:

Click Actions beside the WebSphereCell  then click Configure using WebSphere Topology Discovery:

Click Refresh and something magic will happen:


Operations Engineer working with Cloud Infrastructure, Containers, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines, CDRA processes, GitOps.